This study is a video study available here.
The Bible 30-Day Experience Guidebook was created as a companion to the epic Bible Miniseries on the History Channel. Use the guidebook when watching the series on TV, DVD or just as a way to go deeper into the meaning of the Bible over a 30-day journey. The 160-page Guidebook includes thirty lessons and daily devotional readings that will help you go deeper into the epic stories from The Bible. This excellent resource emphasizes God's plan of redemption for mankind through Jesus Christ.
The Guidebook also includes study questions making it great for small groups, as well as individual study. If you are using the Bible 30-Day Experience DVD Study for a Following Features:
- Thirty short, but powerful daily readings and lessons regarding Jesus as the foreshadowing and fulfillment of many stories of the Bible
- From The Bible--inspiring Scriptures that go with the daily lesson
- From The Heart--heartfelt prayers that voice the insights of the lesson in conversation with God
- Did You Know?--additional information, interesting details, and related facts to the daily lesson
- Experience the Story--simple application step and exercise with the daily lesson
- Go Deeper--suggestions for readers who want to further explore a story or truth discussed
- Reflection Time--questions that the reader can respond to as they internalize the truth
- Weekly Message Review--a one page recap touching upon the main theme of that week
- Weekly individual and small group study & discussion questions
The Guidebook Will Help You:
- See these epic stories from the Bible like never have before.
- Discover the scarlet thread of redemption through Jesus Christ woven throughout the Bible.
- Experience a greater insight into God's amazing love for you.
- Understand how your unique story fits within God's story for all of us.
- Be inspired to go deeper with these great stories from God s Word.