Women of Faith, 2009
New Bible Studies
Below is a list of new bible studies with the most recent publications listed first. These studies can help keep the material in your small group or individual study fresh. Often, notable bible study authors release several studies a year so the list below is a good place to look for new studies from your favorite authors, or ideas and topics for your bible study.
The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Hebrews: Live by Faith Not by Sight
Warren W. Wiersbe, 2009
Walk Thru the Book of Ephesians A: Real Power for Daily Life (Walk Thru the Bible Discussion Guides)
Baker Publishing Group, 2009
Walk Thru the Book of James A: Faith that Endures (Walk Thru the Bible Discussion Guides)
Baker Publishing Group, 2009
Effective Stewardship Participant's Guide: Doing What Matters Most
Jonathan and Amanda Witt, 2009
Resting in Him: I need to slow down but I can't! (Women of Faith Study Guide Series)
Women of Faith, 2009
Walk Thru the Life of Joseph A: The Power of Forgiveness (Walk Thru the Bible Discussion Guides)
Baker Publishing Group, 2009
Walk Thru the Life of Peter A: Growing Bold Faith (Walk Thru the Bible Discussion Guides)
Baker Publishing Group, 2009